Spread Beauty & Joy



The Mother's Day Bouquet

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The Mother's Day Bouquet

from $118

Springtime Centrepiece for Mom!

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Springtime Centrepiece for Mom!

from $298

Pretty Pitcher for Mom

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Pretty Pitcher for Mom

from $148

The Perfect Gift Box for Mom!

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The Perfect Gift Box for Mom!

from $198

Sweet Cup of Spring

out of stock

Sweet Cup of Spring

from $78

It's Kits

It's Kits

from $108

Pretty Pinks

Pretty Pinks

from $108

The Audrey

The Audrey

from $108

Wildin’ Free

Wildin’ Free

from $108


No Products Available


Handmade Leis

out of stock

Handmade Leis

from $108

Handmade Haku

Handmade Haku

from $98

Gift Guide

Gift Cards

Gift Cards

from $10

It's Kits

It's Kits

from $108

Handmade Leis

out of stock

Handmade Leis

from $108

The Mother's Day Bouquet

Pre-order NOW!

The Mother's Day Bouquet

from $118

Sweet Cup of Spring

out of stock

Sweet Cup of Spring

from $78

Springtime Centrepiece for Mom!

Pre-order NOW!

Springtime Centrepiece for Mom!

from $298

Pretty Pitcher for Mom

Pre-order NOW!

Pretty Pitcher for Mom

from $148

The Perfect Gift Box for Mom!

Pre-order NOW!

The Perfect Gift Box for Mom!

from $198



Have any questions? Give us a call at 604-428-7858 or contact us here.

Our Values

We care about the environment. All our flowers
 are locally sourced, and our packaging is made from a plant-based, backyard compostable material.