The Mother's Day Bouquet


PLEASE NOTE: This product is available May 10, 11 & 12 ONLY. Any orders placed outside of this timeframe will be cancelled and refunded. Please select May 10, 11 or 12 on the next page. 

We've curated a stunning selection of blooms for Mom this year! Present Mom with a hand-tied bouquet filled with beautiful flowers this Mother's Day. Choose from 3 sizes:  Signature, Double It, or SO Extra! Your bouquets will be beautifully wrapped in our tissue & craft paper wrap, and packed in our gift box or our bouquet bags. 

Please note flowers WILL be a bit different than pictured as we will have new, fresh products on the holiday. We will be taking more photos soon! You will see light pink and purple seasonal blooms! The second photo here is showing size - it has a signature size (left), and double-sized bouquet (right). 

All stems are wrapped in a biodegradable water wrap for transport. Flowers should be added to water immediately upon arrival. Please follow care instructions on the tag. Vases and other add-ons are individually gift wrapped and packed on the side. 

You can select "pickup" or "delivery" at checkout. Pickup will be at our Design Studio located on the corner of 5th and Pine Streets, at the side door labelled "deliveries".  

Remaining characteres

We source our flowers from:

Eurosa Farms

Brentwood Bay, BC

Smit Nursery Ltd.

Abbotsford, BC


Why locally sourced flowers?

We care about the environment. All our flowers are locally sourced, North American grown and driven, never flown. Our stemwrap is made from a plant-based, backyard compostable material and our packaging either compostable or made from 100% recycled materials - no plastics!
